Tag: Government

  • Democracy failing? Support for governments weakens

    Is democracy failing? Democratic support for the government weakens Democracy in the Democratic World Is democracy failing or is it merely a calm before a raging uprising of a highly proactive generation of liberal democrats? In the UK there has been a generation of pro labour and pro conservatives. The last general elections saw an…

  • Global strategic war declared on governments against Internet Liberty

    Recently I wrote about the UK Government’s refusal to upgrade the ancient obsolete browser known as Internet Explorer 6 and how they were citing Security reasons for remaining on the ancient browser. With the British government yielding the current Internet Villian of the Year, then they must be confident in their security. Lulzsec and Anonymous however may…

  • Bickering within Labour shows they are not ready to lead

    Bickering within Labour shows they are not ready to lead

    Like children throwing a tantrum in a super market when their mothers are not prepared to buy them the chocolate bar they want, David and Ed Miliband have shown that the labour party is not yet ready to take on the serious issues of attempting to form a opposition party that will get rid of…

  • Is the Irish government collapse a sign of what is to come in Britain?

    Ireland is having a rough period it seems from financial collapse of the economy to the latest in a series of problems. The Irish Green Party has abandoned a coalition government which means the ruling party of Ireland no longer has a majority government. In a face saving effort, worthy of what Gordon Brown should…

  • Fuel to rise, business to go bust, Government Happy.

    Trains are overcrowded, late, and cant operate in the rain, snow , hail, wind or at least that is what Northern Rail wants us to believe. With the threat of a leaf on the track derailing a 100 tonne train it is no wonder people are turning to alternative means of transport. Despite the railways…

  • British Navy cuts already causing problems.

    The government’s cuts are already having negative impacts, rather literally.  Early this morning, the most advanced Nuclear attack submarine in the British Navy found that sacking the Navigation officer to save money doesn’t really help with the strategic placement of a nuclear power. The submarine during its seaworthiness trials found itself ran aground. Exactly how…

  • UK Government not prepared for Cyber attacks

    It seems that whilst London has been busy fighting over where money should be going they may have forgot there is a nation to run. This week has seen some serious warnings about the failings of the UK National security preparations. Government Communication HeadQuarters (GCHQ) director Iain Lobban has warned of a threat of cyber…

  • MoD Security breach – Government in chaos

    A police investigation has been instigated to search the Ministry of Defense in relation to a leaked letter from Liam Fox to the Prime Minister. In his position as secretary of state for defense, this letter which reportedly he was not copying anyone else in, represents a major security breach for a department that privacy…

  • Government: Sorry, we cant afford the justice system its going.

    The latest news of cuts does not look encouraging for the UK. With some of the agencies under review or to be abolished I for one am struggling to see the current government as a practical approach to running the UK. The plan to deal with the huge deficit in the UK budget may see…

  • UK Goverment Cancels the Queen

    It seems there is definitely efforts with the coalition government to improve the political system within the UK. A bill passing through its second reading today is aimed at providing a fixed general election of every five years. This is apposed to the current system whereby parliament must call an election by the end of…