Ed and David Miliband

Bickering within Labour shows they are not ready to lead

Ed and David MilibandLike children throwing a tantrum in a super market when their mothers are not prepared to buy them the chocolate bar they want, David and Ed Miliband have shown that the labour party is not yet ready to take on the serious issues of attempting to form a opposition party that will get rid of the Conservatives at the next general election.

Reports have spread that the brothers have been fighting each other since the decision to stand for leadership. It has been claimed that some of the ancient labour politicians such as Prescot and David Blunkett whom have even less of a clue on what the people want, are questioning their new leadership’s abilities.

David Miliband is reported to be wanting the top job badly, and is edging for his brother to fail miserably so that he can step in to “save the day”. Quite pathetic really, has anyone ever spoken to him to let him know what they are thinking in his constituency I’d imagine not since the whole party is not trusted right now.

David claims that the first he heard of his brother wanting to run against him in the leadership contest was when it was aired on TV, meanwhile Ed says he came to personally break the news. This comes at a time when what appears to be a deliberate leak on David’s part of a draft speech of what he would have given had he won has become public knowledge. This sounds suspiciously like a childish prank to me.

Meanwhile in the rest of parliament,  failure to stand up for the NHS that feels threatened by the Tories has lead to a number of high profile Unions threatening to drop support to Labour. The political fields are ripe for the picking by the rise of a new power, one in which politicians are rising to power to stand up for the people of this Kingdom. Supporters of the three parties are not clearly defined each party in its actions since the general election has damaged itself and voters are likely to switch to a party that will listen to them.

Lord Falconer observed that the fighting between the two have had a negative impact on the Labour Party. Surely, they must realize that in opposition as a party, the party must be united and needs to win back the support of the general public which they surely were elected by. “A house divided against itsself cannot stand” -Lincoln

The time has come for British political figures to stand up and declare in the top of their voice, I stand for the People of the United Kingdom.

Incidentally, on the democratic index of full democracies, we come in at a scary 19 out of 26. Even the United States is more democratic than the United Kingdom. Think about that when you next get to vote.

The Independent |  Daily Mirror | BBC News


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