Democracy failing? Support for governments weakens

Is democracy failing? Democratic support for the government weakens

graph negativeDemocracy in the Democratic World

Is democracy failing or is it merely a calm before a raging uprising of a highly proactive generation of liberal democrats? In the UK there has been a generation of pro labour and pro conservatives. The last general elections saw an incredible level of young people turning up to vote and what a shambles that was. It quite possibly put a great many off voting at the referendum.

Opinions on the democratic government.

Having a look further afield, it seems that in Sweden, the Swedes may be having doubts about their own government’s capabilities and losing faith in the leadership. Their mistrust and faith of the government and its departments however is generally much higher than that of the UK. However according to a study done by the Swedish State Treasurer, faith in the government over the last ten years has been eroded.

Improvement of democracy.

Sweden is attempting to address these remarks, in a public consultation they seek to find out what the public opinion on how various different agencies are doing their job. This kind of information should be interesting to review and may be useful to be conducted in the United Kingdom. The results of which should be used to improve customer services of the government.

You might be thinking shouldn’t they be doing this already, and well , yes understanding the people you represent in parliament surely must be a critical importance to being a political figure. But alas, they do not do it that way here in the UK.




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