Category: Technology

  • Global strategic war declared on governments against Internet Liberty

    Recently I wrote about the UK Government’s refusal to upgrade the ancient obsolete browser known as Internet Explorer 6 and how they were citing Security reasons for remaining on the ancient browser. With the British government yielding the current Internet Villian of the Year, then they must be confident in their security. Lulzsec and Anonymous however may…

  • Europe Launches Investigation into Google

    The European Anti-Trust regulator has launched an investigation into Google over complaints by two rivals that Google demoted their sites on the grounds of being a competitor. Not surprisingly Microsoft filed a complaint with the commission against Google as well. Since when did it become standard business practice to assume your competitor is acting without…

  • Science acuses Dogs of being more inteligent than Cats

    The people at Oxford have spent their time in some quacking mad study that claims that Dogs are a more intelligent animal than Cats. The news is surely set to cause a rift between Cat and Dog Owners world wide. Albeit no useful science has came out of the study. The research summarizes that living…

  • Free Security: Four tips to protect your computer.

    Today I got a call from a friend in distress over a call he had received about his computer “letting in viruses” he wanted to know If it sounded like a genuine call. To be honest, any one calling out of the blue about the security of your computer unless your in a security management…

  • Android the phone for the Enterprise

    When it gets to security, portable equipment has long been a major problem for the corporate world. Mobile phones in particular have been a specially problematic area. They spend most of their life’s out of the physical control of the IT Department. This means that making sure data on them does not fall into the…

  • Airport: For security reasons please remove your pants.

    Security measures at airports to prevent terrorism against planes has long been criticized as being over kill. Introduction of shoe x-ray process, extra effort taken to check laptops, restriction of what may be taken on board it all serves as a waste of time. With a toilet sized container of flamable liquid onboard it is…

  • Sony Walkman has died

    <img class="alignleft size-thumbnail wp-image-755" title="Walkman" src="http://www avis achat×150.jpg” alt=”Walkman” width=”150″ height=”150″ srcset=”×150.jpg 150w,×36.jpg 36w,×115.jpg 115w” sizes=”(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px” />The classic music player, Sony’s Walkman has reached its end of life. Sony is officially retiring the product line in Japan. With strong competition in digital music such as iPods and MP3 players,…

  • Most UK companies are involved in Spam Mail.

    Unsolicited email has been around for a while and isnt showing any sign of stopping anytime soon. Its a spin off from old fashioned unsolicited junk mail through the letter box and often no less exciting. Occasionally, there is some spam that comes into my inbox that is hilarious to make fun of the guys…

  • National Security should be secondary to Personal Security

    Echelon has for a long time been reportedly able to intercept communications in essentially any form, e-mail, telephone, fax you name it they are meant to be able to in real time intercept it, and “secure” the state against terrorist attacks. Or whatever they happen to be trying to find out. Such a system especially…

  • Tom Tom and HTC partner for better navigation

    Tom Tom and HTC have came to an agreement to utilize the Tom Tom navigation system to power HTC Locations, which will give the HTC a distinctive advantage over competitors using Google Maps or their own software. The Tom Tom enhanced mobile navigation will initially be trialed on the Desire and Desire Z phones, and…