Category: Politics

  • Manchester: Concrete Blocks, Yellow Barriers and an army of uniforms but we got in anyway.

    Its Saturday and for the ordinary citizen heading to enjoy a well earned end of the week Caramel Latte at Starbucks, you would be forgiven for thinking that following the road and passing metal detecting style arches, huge concrete blocks surrounded by metal walls and bright yellow solid steel barriers protected by heavy numbers of…

  • Government: Sorry, we cant afford the justice system its going.

    The latest news of cuts does not look encouraging for the UK. With some of the agencies under review or to be abolished I for one am struggling to see the current government as a practical approach to running the UK. The plan to deal with the huge deficit in the UK budget may see…

  • Could an MP live on £3 a day?

    With all the cuts going on with the current government perhaps they forget what living in the UK is really like. Who can blame them with their state funded mansions and country holiday homes and business first class trips all around the world ? I know I’ve adapted nicely to being paid more than minimum…

  • Piracy off the coast of Shetland

    Attacks upon ships in the waters of the north sea by the Greenpeace activists are nothing less than an act of piracy. Preventing a ship and crew from serving its duties is not going to achieve anything other than general distaste and distrust of Greenpeace. They say that the oil company behind the ship is…

  • Mi6 considered using semen to transmit messages

    Intelligence Services needed Personal Security (literally?) British Inteligence Service during world war I considered using semen to produce invisible ink. That would not be detected by ordinary detection methods. Secrecy is of course the most important principle of the intelligence gathering community. The problem however is that your enemy knows that your data is as…

  • Papal 2010: What the people think.

    So the Pope has returned back from whenst he came. Now the news might go back to something other than watching his every move. Now we see the things that happened in the last four days beyond the pope being rapidly read on the news so they may catch up with today’s news. The guardian…

  • No discount for ID Card Trial Holders

    In parliament on Wednesday discussions took place about the concept of compensating the few people whom bought an ID Card under Labours terrible ID Card plans. The minister responsible for heading up the scheme proposed a discount of future purchase of a passport to ID Card Holders. However widespread opposition to the proposals have seen…

  • Prince Charming but no shiny armour

    Perhaps not fitted out in shiny armour, but a nice cosy and perhaps kinky flight suit, Prince William could soon be the one rescuing you should you be stranded out at sea.  Despite being second in line to the Throne, the prince has been training up for a career in the Royal Air Force. Today…

  • Just a man, nothing to see here move along now

    The pope has been here in the UK for less than a day, and he’s already earned my disfavour and I’m miles away from the events hes doing. That and numerous other people. Allegedly, he comes in peace, much like the aliens in Independence Day? Linking Atheism and Nazism muchlike catholism and demonism really in…

  • UK Goverment Cancels the Queen

    It seems there is definitely efforts with the coalition government to improve the political system within the UK. A bill passing through its second reading today is aimed at providing a fixed general election of every five years. This is apposed to the current system whereby parliament must call an election by the end of…