Category: News

  • Manchester Riots: Shop A Looter

    Manchester Riots : Shop A Looter – The Clean up of the City. Manchester Riots have caused problems for business and people in general. The behaviour of the looters have been completely unacceptable and without any meaning full purpose. They have been seeking things that they want but do not want to pay for it.…

  • America UK Relationship: Why must we be like America?

    That ‘Special Relationship’ is back this time backed by David Cameron. Politicians always refer to the United Kingdom’s alliance with the United States, which the population mostly views as a master and slave relationship is back on the tables. Having a look at the track record of the United States do we really want to…

  • UK Riots: Iran wants to send Human Rights convoy to Monitor

    Anti Western Government uses UK Riots for political propaganda. The Iranian president has made a statement that is clearly a political propaganda move. He has accused the United Nations, and Human Rights organisations of being silent over the Riots that we have seen in the UK over the last week. This coming from a man…

  • Ofgem rules unfavourablly towards British Gas

    £2.5 Million Fine for British Gas’ treatment of customers. British gas has been fined by the energy industrial regulator, Ofgem over their treatment of customer complaints. It comes as no surprise to me being a long standing complainer towards British Gas over our treatment. After a year of being told we cant leave British Gas…

  • British government united: War Declared.

    Lib Dems, Tories and Labour unite in government. British government has declared war. Recently I mentioned that Rupert Murdoch was a somewhat hated person. It seems that that much has been confirmed. In a very rare occasion, the Conservative Party, the Liberal Democrats and even Labour have came to an agreement. The unification of the three parties…

  • Human Rights Vetos Procrastination

    Human Rights must come first: European Courts rule UK has violated Human Rights in Iraq Treatment of Iraq Citizens Not acceptable. Human Rights has been violated by the British [and American] forces whilst in Iraq. The conclusion was not particularly hard to reach for the European Court of Human Rights I am sure. Many people…

  • News of the World Heavy hand flies in for cover up.

    News of the World to be dealt with by Rupert Murdoch Personally News of the World is soon going to be a thing of the past at least as far as publishing of the news paper is concerned. Tomorrow will be the last ever copy of the news of the world to be distributed. The…

  • Afghanistan: Ten years later.

    Afghanistan Ten years later. Afghanistan War: The Reasons. Afghanistan was declared by the United States to be harbouring terrorist as part of George W Bush declaration of your either with us our against us. This in the eyes of the United States gave them just cause to launch what has now became a decade long…

  • David Cameron faces Wrath of Miliband

    David Cameron faces the Wrath of Ed Miliband in Houses of Commons. Ed Miliband may not be the toothless old cat he appears after all. David Cameron was feircely and unflinchingly attacked today by Ed Miliband. The two leaders had a stand off in the house of commons over the News of the World. Starting…

  • Meddling Prince Charles Embarrassment

    Meddling Prince Charles Embarrassment to Royal Family Future King Declares his Poltical Views The last time that a British monarch set foot in the house of commons, his head was chopped off. The result of which lead to the formation of the Republic of England. England did not return to a monarchy for the better…