Category: News

  • Can a universe be stored within a universe?

    Can a universe be stored within that universe? Common logic might suggest it is impossible to store the entire universe within the universe. Lets for now ignore the logistics of how one could actually move the whole universe to somewhere within that universe surely it would be a circular logic. The origin of this thought…

  • British Medical Association on Quality Premiums

    British Medial Association does not trust Quality Premiums. British medial association and the NHS Reforms. The British medial association (BMA) has openly criticized the quality premiums section of the NHS reforms. They fear that the changes proposed by the unthinking government could be seen as paying doctors to not treat patients. The British Medical Association…

  • Social Media Report Background Checks in USA

    Social Media Background Check for Employers In the United States, a company setup ran by Max Drucker has been given the authority to use social media as a legitimate background check for employers. This poses a few problems for the general public and leaves the United States employment service open to a huge number of…

  • Senior Aid to David Cameron meets Grim Reaper.

    Grim Reaper Strikes Glastonbury – Political Aid to The Prime Minister Killed Suspicions are likely to be high amongst those that have found out. Death at Glastonbury but it is no ordinary citizen, the deceased was a freind of David Cameron and chairman of the west Oxfordshire conservative association: Christopher Shale.  He has been described…

  • Facebook and how you can use it to make money

    How to use Facebook to Make Money Facebook is big, Facebook is popular and Facebook is something you should be thinking about if you want to generate money. They say that finding new customers is hard, and I can sympathies with that feeling. However in the case of social networking, facebook appears to be doing very well…

  • Whats aspergers syndrome got to do with it?

    Why does the media concentrate on mental illness in computer crime stories? The BBC has posted an article relating to Lulzsec. The article is titled ‘”Hacking suspect Ryan Cleary ‘has Asperger’s syndrome’“. The question is, what does Aspergers Syndrome have to do with it? They seem to put an overly large emphasis on the fact…

  • British energy strategy: Go Wind, Water and Nuclear

    British Energy Strategy is set for new Nuclear Power Over at the department of energy and climate change, the government boys must be buzzing with shocking excitement. The new National Energy Policies have been laid down in front of parliament. The strategies which are looking to come into play seem to be quite promising for the…

  • Church of England uses Equality act to hide their compliance with Equality Act

    Every so often, an organisation takes an action which on the surface looks like its a good thing yet at the same time it has a sinister underpinning. Today, that organisation is the Church of England. It is rare that the church of England and I agree on anything, and usually when we do agree it…

  • Jurors sent to prison for using Internet in Trials

    In cases where a defendant is tried by jury, each juror is expected to uphold the laws of the country as part of their service, they are expected to remain impartial and act on the evidence presented within the trial. Anonymity within the process is essential to a fair trial.  If Jurors are feeling threatened by the…

  • What does Restrictions mean for UPS?

    Department of Transport blocks UPS Deliveries for Security In a move that seems to be reminiscent of the British Government’s decision not to upgrade Internet Explorer 6 to something more secure citing security reasons, they have stopped United Parcel Service (UPS) from doing security scans on their cargo for “security” reasons. It seems that the UK Department…