Should the BBC be allowed to Strike

BBC LogoHave you ever heard of a Government going on strike? I didn’t think so. Surely they should not be allowed to do so.  However the BBC wants to strike. We the tax payer pays for the entire organization even if we don’t use the services which they provide.

The BBC is in talks to go on strike during the Conservative Party conference due to start next week. Perhaps there will be more interesting politics coming out of that than came out of the Labour party conference that has caused chaos across Manchester this week.

Ed Miliband has called on the BBC to not cause a blackout of coverage for its viewers during this time. It is in the interest of fairness he states.

The BBC being fully funded by the state should be prevented by law from actually going on strike or as an alternative, we should get a refund of our TV License fee for the time they will be on strike. I am sure that the BBC will conveniently “forget” this idea however as they know we cant easily enforce justice against them.

The Press Association


2 responses to “Should the BBC be allowed to Strike”

  1. Mildred avatar

    Er, civil servants are actually allowed to strike…

    1. Perhaps, but people have the flexibility to decide not to take advantage of services offered by most departments. Many people go through life without using the services of departments, yet without using services of the BBC we still have to pay them for it.

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