Tag: conservative

  • What has the Liberals done for you?

    Recently I was accused of being a retarded liberal probably by a Member of the British National Party or at the least a conservative. It made me realize that people in the UK really are forgetful of what their predecessors have done for them, and equally important that most of the changes to the laws that we take for granted came under Liberial believes. During the…

  • Tories Scrap Child Benefit to save money by replacing it with a new benefit

    The government seem to be divided about what their goal is are they trying to save money or are they trying to generate a new welfare state? Either way its failing right down the middle. Critics of the plans to cut the child benefit have lashed out about it being unfair. Which apparently it is.…

  • Government: Sorry, we cant afford the justice system its going.

    The latest news of cuts does not look encouraging for the UK. With some of the agencies under review or to be abolished I for one am struggling to see the current government as a practical approach to running the UK. The plan to deal with the huge deficit in the UK budget may see…

  • United States to say no to Justice

    “The whole history of the world is summed up in the fact that, when nations are strong, they are not always just, and when they wish to be just, they are no longer strong.” -Winston Churchill The Extradition Act 2003 (c.41) of The United Kingdom has problems. The leaders of the Liberal Democrats and Conservative…