What is your Emergency Action Plan for Zombie Attack?

Zombie AttackIn disaster recovery plans, it is important to target all the likely eventualities that your organisation may be effected by. In a freedom of information request to Leicster City Council, it has been discovered that the city council has not adequately prepared itsself for what to do in the event of the city coming under seige of a raging Zombie attack!

Critical ?

You might be thinking, this was a colossal waste of resources to respond to this, but in truth it perhaps is not. Heres why: Firstly, the Freedom of Information Request is a right, one may question the motives of this but to get rid of the right would be a worse infringement on our country. Requests about how much your MP was wasting in state funds would be unavailable, and we saw how that shaken up parliament. Secondly, organisations tend to put off emergency action planing until the event occurs, by putting a request in, that council has had to get out the dusty old document and read it. In doing so they quite possibly have noticed other pointers that may need to be revised. This will ensure the council is prepared for situations better.

Furthermore, what if a Zombie Attack really does happen? Are we prepared? If a country can handle a Zombie attack what else can they handle?

I might put in a FOI request to see what other wacky requests have been made, and in the mean time I think I will start writing my own disaster recovery plans to get things moving.

BBC News


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